Steps to apply your signature in Mac Mail
MacMail OSX Email Signature Installation Instructions
Warning: (Mac Users) The Safari Browser Cannot Be Used
To properly support an HTML email signature, the Safari web browser cannot be used for your signature installation. The formatting will turn out wrong if Safari is used to open and copy the signature.
1. Open the template of signature, with format file.HTML
(double click or drag to Chrome browser) recommended use Chrome for open first time.
2. With the browser window active, Hit COMMAND-A to highlight the signature.
Then hit COMMAND-C to copy the signature to your system clipboard. Hide or close the browser window.
3. Open your Apple Mail. Hit COMMAND-, (CMD and comma) to bring up Mail Options. Mail Options can also me found under Mail in the top menu. Find the signatures dialog in the Options menu.
Make sure your email account is highlighted for all of the following steps.
Click the ” +” button to start a new signature. The new “Signature #1” will be listed in the center column. You can rename if need be.
In the right column, delete the text shown.

4. BEFORE doing Step 4, make sure to UNCHECK the box that says “Always match my defult message font” (see the graphic below).